Fat Dissolving

Reduce the appearance of excess fat





Enjoy long-lasting results

We provide fat dissolving treatments in our London, Nottingham & Leicester clinics. Fat dissolving treatment involves using fat dissolving injections to reduce the appearance of excess fat in the body. It uses a natural occurring substance produced by our digestive tract to break down fat in our food.

Fat dissolving treatment produces consistently good results for people and can be used on many different parts of the body.






See the results


Abdomen + Flank

10 Days after 6 vials of DesoBody


Double Chin

1 vial of DesoFace x 4 sessions

* Results may vary from person to person



Frequently Asked Questions

What can fat dissolving injections be used for?
Fat dissolving injections can be used to treat pockets of fat around the chin, chest, abdomen, thighs, knees and ankles.
Is fat dissolving treatment suitable for me?
For anyone leading a healthy lifestyle and close to an ideal body weight but with isolated stubborn areas of fat, fat dissolving treatment may be a good choice. If you carry significant weight then it may not be.
How long do treatments take?
Each fat dissolving treatment takes just a few minutes and is usually painless.
Is this for me?
Fat dissolving injection is a quick and safe non-surgical method of treating fat that remains despite a healthy diet and regular exercise.

If you’re exercising, eating well and yet there are still those last few areas you can’t seem to shift, then this treatment is for you.

How does it work?
Desobody fat-dissolving injections work by destroying fat cells in targeted areas. Literally, they damage the fat cell membranes which in turn liquifies the fat present in the body. These fat cells, once destroyed, are then broken down and naturally removed via the lymphatic system within the body.
Is DesoBody different to other fat-dissolving treatments?
Yes, Desoface/Desobody is the next generation of fat dissolver, it is a potent, purified form of the the fat dissolving chemical, an FDA approved active ingredient. On top of that, it is also a more comfortable and less intrusive process for the patient than older fat-dissolving solutions, with fewer injections required over fewer sites.
What areas can be treated?
Typical areas that can be treated by DesoBody/Face include inner thighs, inner knees, double chins, back and bra rolls, flanks, abdomen and saddlebags.
How many treatments will I need?
Typically an average of two to four vials of DesoBody injections are required per treated area, per session. This number will, of course, vary depending on the individual size and type of the area being treated, and the best course for your particular needs will be discussed at a consultation.

You normally need at least three to four sessions, with six-week intervals being the typical gap between each visit. Again, this number will depend on how much fat needs to be treated in a specific area, and the actual number will be discussed at a consultation.

What does DesoBody treatment feel like?
Discomfort and sensitivity are an inevitable part of any cosmetic treatment, but the good news is that symptoms should only be mild to moderate, and easily tolerated. The treatment is minimally invasive and a local anesthetic is included in the injectable and will be administered to lessen the impact of any pain felt during the procedure.
What will happen immediately following treatment?
Initially, the treated area could show signs of redness, tenderness, sensitivity and localised swelling following treatment. The treated area can feel a little weird for a while but this is a perfectly normal part of the process, and you are free to carry on with any normal day to day physical activities and your normal routine.
How long will it take for the skin to return to normal?
The redness and swelling that appear following the injection typically will disappear three or four days after treatment. You may then find that minor bruising and a localised tenderness around the treated area will persist up to 14 days after the treatment.
Are there any do’s and don’ts following the treatment?
Avoid hot baths or hot showers on the day they receive the treatment.

Wear a compression garment (i.e. Spanx) on the treated area for up to 72 hours.

Avoid using active creams, exfoliants and self-tan on the treated area for at least one week following treatment.

How long will I see results?
Typically after two to three weeks you will start to see the positive effects of your treatment. Each patient’s time frames will differ. Please note that a continued course of treatments is required for optimal results.
How long do the results last?
The results should be expected to be permanent as long as a healthy lifestyle is maintained. As we are actively destroying the fat cells, once they’re gone, they’re definitely gone.



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Extensive experience

Peonia Medical is run by Dr Tracy Xu, an advanced aesthetic doctor and trainer with many years of experience.


Multiple clinics

We have UK clinics in London, Nottingham & Leicester where we also offer advanced aesthetic training.


Thermage FLX

We have the only revolutionary Thermage FLX machine in the East Midlands, Yorkshire and Humber and North East area.